Submit Your Work

Submit your work below by clicking the appropriate option. We’ll review your submission and email you back within 24 hours.

By submitting your work, you are representing to Culture Network TV that you have all the necessary rights to authorize our use and reuse of the audio or visual material it contains, that your submission is governed by our Online Visual or Video Submission Agreement, and that you have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions of that agreement.

Culture Network TV is a digital marketing and promotions service, there’s a one-time maintenance fee of $150 per user submission. After your content is submitted and passes through the screening process an email will be sent to you containing the one-time maintenance fee PayPal link. Once the maintenance fee is cleared your content will immediately be published and a confirmation email will be sent to you.

If you do not see your content published within 24 hours of your one-time maintenance fee payment, please email us immediately at, we receive many submissions and look forward to featuring you.

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